Gatchalian launches bag-making training seminar

Gatchalian launches bag-making training seminar

The district office of Valenzuela City Congressman Sherwin “Win” Gatchalian conducted a series of training that will teach participants to create bags out of old newspapers on Thursday.


The “dyaryo bag” training seminar taught about 43 people during its first four-hour training session that was held in Valenzuela City Hall.


The trainers of Rotary Club of Greater Mandaluyong hoped that teaching people how to create stylish and eco-friendly bag can be a source of livelihood in a 4-hour session.


Once the training ends, participants will become trainers in their respective groups that will teach other future beneficiaries to spread the knowledge of bag-making and create a multiplier effect.


The next training seminar will be held on August 27 to August 30, wherein the would-be trainers will be given extensive training.


The Dyaryo Bag-making seminar was a project launched under Valenzuela City Congressman’s WinTayo sa Kabuhayan program.


Beneficiaries of the event were members of WIN Mothers Club, REX Ladies, Valenzuela City Red Cross Coordinators. (Camille Nepomuceno/Tim Alcantara)