Economy & Commerce

Economy & Commerce
by Win Gatchalian on July, 8, 2020

Business loan program needed to curb unemployment

Senator Win Gatchalian is urging the government to carry out a subsidy program similar to the Paycheck Protection Program of the United States to prevent further lay-offs in the country as quarantine measures take a huge bite out of businesses’ bottom line.

Economy & Commerce
by Win Gatchalian on June, 29, 2020

Government should spend more on job preservation

Senator Win Gatchalian is urging the country’s economic managers to pump more stimulus to the labor market to ensure the preservation of jobs of many Filipinos in the light of the record-breaking unemployment rate in the country since strict quarantine measures took effect amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Economy & Commerce
by Win Gatchalian on June, 28, 2020

To gov’t: Provide jobs to Filipinos before opening the market to foreigners

Senator Win Gatchalian is imploring the government to protect and promote the interest of unemployed Filipino workers by providing them with new stable jobs before it considers opening the job market to foreigners.

Economy & Commerce
by Win Gatchalian on June, 23, 2020

Boost ICT competitiveness to help spur PH digital economy

As the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic forced many countries to rethink their business models and adapt to the digital economy, Senator Win Gatchalian sees the urgency of passing into law key economic reforms that will attract more Information and Communication Technology (ICT) investments.

Economy & Commerce
by Win Gatchalian on June, 22, 2020

Incentives not taxes for online entrepreneurs

Senator Win Gatchalian has prodded the government to extend fresh capital and other financial assistance to budding online entrepreneurs, instead of slapping them with untimely new taxes.

Economy & Commerce
by Win Gatchalian on June, 14, 2020

Gov’t taxation on online sellers is ill-timed, insensitive

Senator Win Gatchalian is imploring the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) to defer its plan to impose taxes on small-time online sellers amid the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that the proposed taxation at the height of the economic and health crisis is ill-timed and insensitive.

Economy & Commerce
by Win Gatchalian on June, 11, 2020

Easier and faster online transactions will be possible via Internet Transactions Act

With more Filipinos turning to the internet to conduct daily businesses under the new economy, Senator Win Gatchalian is pushing for the Internet Transactions Act to make transactions easier and faster and strengthen the country’s digital economy.

Economy & Commerce
by Win Gatchalian on May, 5, 2020

Gov’t should use CBMS Law for seamless delivery of SAP

In a renewed call to expedite the delivery of the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) nationwide, Senator Win Gatchalian has prodded the government to use the Community-based Monitoring System (CBMS) Law to ensure a faster and easier identification of beneficiaries for SAP.

Economy & Commerce
by Win Gatchalian on April, 9, 2020

Government should expedite stimulus plan towards economic recovery

Senator Win Gatchalian commended the government for extending the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) until April 30 to utilize the time to test and treat COVID-19 patients and slow the rate of infection.