Public Order & Safety

Public Order & Safety
by Win Gatchalian on March, 25, 2022

Gatchalian to SEC: Fast track creation of new office vs. abusive and illegal lenders

Senator Win Gatchalian urged the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to fast track the creation of a new office that will deal solely on the regulation and monitoring of financing and lending firms and pursue without letting up its crackdown against abusive and illegal lenders.

Public Order & Safety
by Win Gatchalian on March, 2, 2022

Gatchalian joins senators’ call to suspend e-sabong until missing cockfighters’ cases are resolved

A proactive approach to thwart new cases of abductions and disappearance of individuals engaged in online cockfighting pending the resolution of the cases of 31 “missing” sabungeros was how Senator Win Gatchalian described the move taken by the Senate to have the licenses of e-sabong operators suspended.

Public Order & Safety
by Win Gatchalian on February, 24, 2022

Gatchalian wants measures to sustain drop in teenage pregnancy

While the number of teenage pregnancies dropped in 2020, re-electionist Senator Win Gatchalian maintained that effective measures should be in place to ensure a decreasing number of teenage mothers in succeeding years.

Public Order & Safety
by Win Gatchalian on February, 17, 2022

Gatchalian: ‘Dugo-dugo’ gang will be out of business once SIM card registration becomes a law

Mandating the registration of subscriber identification module (SIM) cards would mark the end of an era to the modus operandi called “dugo-dugo” or “budol-budol,” Senator Win Gatchalian said.

Public Order & Safety
by Win Gatchalian on February, 16, 2022

Gatchalian hails victory for children’s rights; stronger measure vs. human trafficking ratified

Senator Win Gatchalian has declared victory in upholding the rights and safety of Filipino children after the Senate and the House of Representatives ratified the bicameral conference committee report on a measure that seeks to strengthen the country’s anti-trafficking laws.

Public Order & Safety
by Win Gatchalian on January, 25, 2022

Gatchalian: Protect delivery riders from abusive customers

Senator Win Gatchalian said if we want to protect delivery riders from fake bookings and hoax orders, we should also protect them from abusive customers.

Public Order & Safety
by Win Gatchalian on January, 21, 2022

Gatchalian presses bill to enhance surveillance powers of financial regulators vs. cybercriminals

Senator Win Gatchalian pressed for the passage of the bill that will give financial regulators the power to enhance the conduct of surveillance against cybercriminals given the massive shift in digital financial transactions.

Public Order & Safety
by Win Gatchalian on January, 20, 2022

Gatchalian: Survivorship benefits law for deceased prosecutors a well-deserved grant

Senator Win Gatchalian lauded the signing into law of the bill granting survivorship benefits to the legitimate spouse and dependent children of the members of the National Prosecution Service (NPS) saying that the modest entitlement is long overdue especially to those who have dedicated their lives to be instruments in the dispensation of justice in the country.

Public Order & Safety
by Win Gatchalian on January, 20, 2022

Gatchalian: Higher statutory rape age to help reinforce prohibition of child marriages

After the signing of Republic Act No. 11596 which criminalizes child marriages, Senator Win Gatchalian said that increasing the statutory rape age will be a crucial next step in safeguarding Filipino children from violence and abuse.